the sydney morning herald lifestyle blog, "chew on this" by Paula Goodyer this week posted "sacrificial calves - the real cost of eating dairy food" sparking controversy from all corners of the "to dairy or not" debate (you can read them there). what was not discussed was the cost of eating dairy food.
the article cites claims that 250kg of greenhouse gas could be saved by reducing your weekly milk intake by two cups (apparently the equivalent of 1/4 of the annual emissions saved by switching to a hybrid car). the article swiftly moves from carbon footprint to the ethics of the dairy industry itself, and what might happen to male-born calves
over 2 days the post got 92 responses, not once were we presented with any substance regarding the cost - environmental, economical, social, or otherwise; mostly it was a heap of drivel about soy products. if we are to calculate the real cost of consumption of a product, the reactive behaviour of non consumption should factor into the cost model.
how much energy goes into converting a soy bean into a dairy substitute? what are the processes involved? where is the soy bean grown? are the farming practices ethical & sustainable? who grows the soy bean; are they reimbursed appropriately or exploited? who processes the soybean into the consumer product? where is it processed? what other ingredients/products are required, and where do they come from? I could go on...
are we any better off consuming soy milk - a highly processed product, in preference to animal milk (even if it is processed to some extent)? at the end of the day, it's just another highly processed food with economic and ecological costs as well as a well-tuned machine of marketing, advertising and corporate backing to ensure it remains a profitable business category.
where does it come from?
fresh food people
if they really are fresh food people, ask yourself one question:
how much floor space is dedicated to fresh food?
exclude the freezer space - that's not fresh. halve the meat space - you need to subtract anything that's processed, fabricated or pre-formed (this includes chicken & cheese rissoles, pet food rolls, anything with food colouring in it, seafood extender, imported "fresh fish", etc.)
subtract 3/4 of the dairy cabinet - let's face it, the vast majority of this is ready made meals, desserts, "dairy desserts" (whatever that means), dips, pastes, garlic bread, etc.
now look at the fruit and vegetable section and subtract any ready made dressings, mayonnaise, stir fry sauces, pre-cooked potatoes, mashed potatoes, soups, sauces, etc.
now how much of the floor space is dedicated to fresh food?