PR wheels are a'spinning

I sure hope the PR department at Bella Vista based grocery chain is well paid, because they are doing an absolutely fantastic job! Really, they are. the dominance of the company in the media pages over the past few weeks has been supreme.

In another article posted by fairfax (are they on a retainer?) we hear that the food retail sector is not concentrated, and that AC Nielsen data stating that the market share of Coles & Woolworths is misleading. According to a different set of statistics (ABS), independents make up more than 50 per cent of the total market and are growing.

unfortunately the article provides no facts and figures regarding $spend, population catchment, product ranges, licenses or anything else that is vaguely relevant; we are merely meant to find some sympathy for the "BIG GUYS" because they may or may not be as big as you think... hmmmmmmmmm

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